Consultant for
high-tech companies

I act as a consultant to decision-makers in high-tech com­panies, especially during demanding major projects. As a gradu­ate mathematician with subsidiary studies in electrical engi­neering, I have spent my whole life in a technical environment, understand the culture of engineering just as well as that of business and project managing and enjoy working internation­ally in my working languages German, English, Spanish and Russian.

The bigger the challenge, the quicker I reach top form. I am happy to work on site and also to cover the whole depth of your project. For further information please read my project exam­ples. I would also be happy to provide references at any time on request.

I act as a consultant to decision-makers in high-tech companies, especially during demanding major projects. As a graduate mathematician with subsidiary studies in electrical engineering, I have spent my whole life in a technical environment, understand the culture of engineering just as well as that of business and project managing and enjoy working internationally in my working languages German, English, Spanish and Russian.

The bigger the challenge, the quicker I reach top form. I am happy to work on site and also to cover the whole depth of your project.For further information please read my project examples. I would also be happy to provide references at any time on request.

Major project in no-man's land

Construction of the first three solar parks in Crimea

A well-known oligarch wanted to seize the opportunity: the country of Ukraine had just approved a lucrative feed-in tariff for renewable energies and he wanted to be the first to profit from it with huge solar parks. A manager able to construct this solar park on site out of nothing, was required for the major project: neither employees, technical know-how, materials or appropriate authorisation were available.

I was very happy to take on the position – after all it included everything I like: unclear conditions, unpredictable challenges, a high cultural component, use of my foreign language skills (in this case Russian) and a high proportion of technology in addition to cooperation with engineers, suppliers and logistics providers. In other words it was a huge black box which I slowly built up for my client so that all the information was bundled and the project advanced.

Nowadays, the solar parks generate 197.5 MW of power.

Sensitivity and technical understanding

$ 30 million savings in semiconductor pro­duction

A major strategy consultant had worked out huge saving potentials at a semicon­ductor manufacturer, including considerable job losses. This was impossible to avoid due to the high pressure on prices in the industry. Practical implementation was to be carried out using an internal project manager who, as it turned out, handed in his resignation at short notice.

I took over the position and therefore several major tasks: I had to distance myself from major consultation and win the trust of the employees, evaluate the improve­ment suggestions using technical understanding and prioritise them with the com­pany management, develop a Plan B just in case as a sparring partner, monitor the implementation of the individual measures and regularly discuss these with the CEO and the COO.

The project was successful, and savings of $30 million were made. In the end there were no operational job losses thanks to close consultation with the works council, attractive severance pay and part-time retirement.

From manufacturer to solution provider

Swiss mechanical and facility engineering company has to make fundamental changes

For many years the company played a major role in the machinery market for the manufacture of wafers, solar cells and modules. The sector was booming, which meant there was hardly any time to set up alternative business models. Once the market collapsed there was suddenly a difficult cultural necessity: the company had to change from being a pure vendor to being a developer of customer solutions.

This was a problem with which I was familiar with from previous projects and one which called on one of my passions: changing the way of thinking for entire teams, departments and organisations – in other words creating a new culture in the best sense of the word.

Together with the team I developed a new modular system which enabled cus­tomers to receive highly individual solutions, and also sensitised the employees to active enquiries regarding customer problems and to actually solving these using the modular system.

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New Series

Adventure large-scale project

High-tech topics are technically demanding and thus complex. So far, so good! Many projects are also international include various cultural spaces and are planned from the ground up — and that’s where it gets really complicated. Different cultures, different levels of knowledge, different working languages, national laws and international imponderables mean that major projects in our industries are a special endeavour. I’m in my element precisely where it is complex and sometimes complicated. In my series ›Adventure large-scale project‹ I tell you about my experiences …

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About me

My great-grandfather was a bridge builder and always lived wherever he worked, together with his large family and his seven children. I can understand him. Versatility strongly influ­enced my choice of school subjects: up to the German “Abitur”certificate I learnt Spanish, Russian and French, and at the same time I was able to pursue my interests in natural sci­ences and mathematics.

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Adventure large-scale project

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